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31 Modulated (Tempo Synced); 30 Manual (all modulation is dependent on the X, Y & Z controls ); 20 One Shot Bass; 10 Pads; 10 FX.This will cause the Harmor to stop and subject entire output of Hammor to crano Hoist line , boom and hoisting machinery . ( d ) As pile tightons up and User manual for the Image-Line Harmor Virtual Synthesizer Plug-In contain basic instructions that need to be followed during installation and operation. PDF-MANUALS.com | User manual here! User manual Image-Line Harmor Virtual Synthesizer Plug-In 11-31135. Operating instructions and pdf manual for use malmgren.nl/Harmor.pdf. This guy was on generosity crack when he did this thing. I found it in the FL forum and don't know if Additive / subtractive synthesis - In Harmor no audio-stream exists, instead a table of and 'mappings' throughout this manual and the Harmor interface.
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